Once you have created your resources, the next step is to assign your resources to services that require them. 

Things to know:

  • Resources are set by location. If your business has more than one location, you will need to complete this process for each location. 
  • Checking multiple boxes in the resource dropdown means the service requires at least one of the selected resources. However, using the Add Resource option multiple times means that all selected resources in each dropdown are required for the service.

To assign a resource to a service:

1. Go to Business Setup > Services Menu

2. Next, click Edit next to a service that requires a resource 

3. The popup window below will appear. Select Add Resources underneath the Eligible Resources 

4. In the popup window, click the dropdown arrow next to Resource 1 

5. When you select the dropdown arrow, all the resources you added in the Manage Resources section will appear (see image below). You may select one or multiple resources. *Important: Checking multiple boxes indicates that the service requires one of the selected resources. In this example, the service requires either Room 1, Room 2, or Room 3. 

6. If a service requires multiple resources, click Add Resource. There you can repeat the process above to select the second resource the service requires. In this example, the service requires two rooms. 

7. When you are finished entering all required resources, click save. You will now see these resources in the Eligible Resources section.

Assigning Resources for Split Time Services

1. If you have a split-time service, you can allocate resources for each service time and processing time separately. The process is largely the same as for a single-time service. Select Add Resources in the Eligible Resources section.

2. When you click Add Resources in a split-time service, the window below will appear. Click the drop-down arrows to allocate resources to each service time and each processing time.


Once you have assigned your resources, don't forget to save your changes.

We hope this helped! If you have any additional questions, feel free to email us at support@mytime.com.