Indefinite Membership Configuration

Modified on Thu, 30 Jan at 11:36 AM

Indefinite memberships are memberships that do not expire. These memberships are long-term memberships that offer flexibility and provide lasting value tailored to your client's needs without the hassle of renewal deadlines. In this article, we will discuss the various types of indefinite memberships. 

Things to know: 

  • In order to be able to sell memberships, you must have a membership subscription. For franchise businesses, please contact your account manager or
  • Access to the membership configuration page is restricted and necessitates enabling the "Access Memberships" permission for staff members to configure memberships. This setting can be located by navigating to Staff & Availability > Access Controls Settings > choosing the Business Setup option > Memberships.
  • Memberships can be at the pet/family member level or the client level
  • There are three billing frequency options for indefinite memberships:
    • Monthly payment
    • Weekly payment
    • Bi-Weekly payment
  • The ability to configure weekly and bi-weekly payments is currently controlled by a hidden setting at the parent level, which can only be enabled by the MyTime team. To activate this setting, please contact our Support Team at
  • Clients can receive credits monthly, weekly, or bi-weekly, based on their billing frequency.
  • Clients who have multiple memberships with the same billing day can have their charges combined into a single transaction, rather than being billed separately. This feature is controlled by a hidden setting that can only be activated by the MyTime team. To enable this setting, please reach out to our Support Team at
  • You have the option to configure custom expiration date for membership value/item credits, this feature is controlled by a hidden setting that can only be enabled by the MyTime team. Please contact our Support Team at for further assistance. Please note that this hidden setting must be enabled on both the parent and child accounts
  • The custom expiration date set for global membership value and item credits at the parent level can be viewed on child accounts but cannot be edited; this expiration date can only be configured at the parent level.
  •  You can set a custom expiration for membership value and item credits on both the membership template and on the client's profile. However, if a custom expiration date is configured, the rollover option for membership credits will not be available, while memberships with the rollover credit option enabled will not display a hyperlink to customize a custom expiration date.


Configure Indefinite Memberships With Monthly Payment

Configure Indefinite Memberships With Weekly Payment

Configure Indefinite Memberships With Bi-Weekly Payment

Configure Membership Price

Configure Membership Discounts

Configure Membership Credits

Configure Indefinite Memberships With Monthly Payment

Once you have added a membership subscription, you are now ready to configure your indefinite membership. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to Business Setup > Memberships tab
  2. Select the location where you want the membership to be sold in the location filter
  3. Click on the +Add New Membership link
  4. Enter the Membership name                                                                                              
  5. Once you have entered the membership name and saved it. You will be directed to the 'General Setting' page and here you can configure the following:
    • Membership Name: This is the name that will be displayed throughout the software, including in the POS, client profiles, reports, and online.
    • Description: Any details you want to add about the membership. 
    • Contract Period: Indicates whether the membership is indefinite (no expiration date) or it is just for a certain term/period.
    • Billing Frequency:This is the frequency the membership fee will be charged to the client's credit card on file.
      • Monthly - Select monthly payments to charge the membership fees monthly during the membership period. For monthly payments, credits will be received every month after a successful charge. 
    • Billing Cycle: This is where you decide if payment will be due on a specific day of the month or if it is based on the purchased date. 
    • Apply discounts only to locations where membership can be purchased: This setting is ONby default, but you can disable it at any time. 
      • When enabled, the discount will only be applied to locations where the membership can be purchased.
      • When disabled, it will allow the discount to be applied at ANY location selected on the discounts tab.
    • Enable Online Purchase - Set whether the membership can be purchased through the booking or membership purchase widget.
    • Registration Fee Amount: This is a one-time fee that is charged when the membership is purchased.
    • Pause Fee Amount: This is a fee that is charged when a client pauses/freezes their membership. If a freeze fee is configured, it will be automatically charged every month on the membership billing date during the freeze period.
    • Cancellation Fee Amount: This is a fee that is charged when a client cancels their membership. This fee can only be charged if the client has a card on file. Once you set up a cancellation fee on a membership, initiating a cancellation from the client's profile will trigger a pop-up asking if you want to charge the client the cancellation fee. If you agree, the system will automatically charge the fee to the client’s card on file.
    • Rollover Unused Benefits: This determines if unused membership value credits and item credits are rolled over to the next membership period or if they're lost forever.
    • Upgrade Membership After Expiry To: This allows you to specify that when an existing membership expires, the client will automatically be upgraded to a different membership, typically one with additional benefits.

Configure Indefinite Memberships With Weekly Payment

Once you have added a membership subscription, you are now ready to configure your indefinite membership. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to Business Setup > Memberships tab
  2. Select the location where you want the membership to be sold in the location filter
  3. Click on the +Add New Membership link
  4. Enter the Membership name                                                                                                                                                                                             
  5. Once you have entered the membership name and saved it. You will be directed to the 'General Setting' page and here you can configure the following:
    • Membership Name: This is the name that will be displayed throughout the software, including in the POS, client profiles, reports, and online.
    • Description: Any details you want to add about the membership. 
    • Contract Period: Indicates whether the membership is indefinite (no expiration date) or it is just for a certain term/period.
    • Billing Frequency:This is the frequency the membership fee will be charged to the client's credit card on file
      • Weekly - This option is only available if the hidden setting at the parent level is enabled. To enable the hidden setting, please contact our Support Team at Select weekly payment to charge the membership fee weekly during the membership period. For weekly payments, credits will be received every week after a successful charge. Eg: If the membership is configured to provide 2 credits, the client will receive 2 credits each week
    • Apply discounts only to locations where membership can be purchased: This setting is ONby default, but you can disable it at any time. 
      • When enabled, the discount will only be applied to locations where the membership can be purchased.
      • When disabled, it will allow the discount to be applied at ANY location selected on the discounts tab.
    • Enable Online Purchase - Set whether the membership can be purchased through the booking or membership purchase widget.
    • Registration Fee Amount: This is a one-time fee that is charged when the membership is purchased.
    • Pause Fee Amount:This is a fee that is charged when a client pauses/freezes their membership. If a freeze fee is configured, it will be automatically charged every week on the membership billing date during the freeze period.
    • Cancellation Fee Amount: This is a fee that is charged when a client cancels their membership. This fee can only be charged if the client has a card on file. Once you set up a cancellation fee on a membership, initiating a cancellation from the client's profile will trigger a pop-up asking if you want to charge the client the cancellation fee. If you agree, the system will automatically charge the fee to the client’s card on file.
    • Rollover Unused Benefits: This determines if unused membership value credits and item credits are rolled over to the next membership period or if they're lost forever.
    • Upgrade Membership After Expiry To: This allows you to specify that when an existing membership expires, the client will automatically be upgraded to a different membership, typically one with additional benefits.

Configure Indefinite Memberships With Bi-Weekly Payment

Once you have added a membership subscription, you are now ready to configure your indefinite membership. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to Business Setup > Memberships tab
  2. Select the location where you want the membership to be sold in the location filter
  3. Click on the +Add New Membership link
  4. Enter the Membership name                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
  5. Once you have entered the membership name and saved it. You will be directed to the 'General Setting' page and here you can configure the following:
    • Membership Name: This is the name that will be displayed throughout the software, including in the POS, client profiles, reports, and online.
    • Description: Any details you want to add about the membership. 
    • Contract Period: Indicates whether the membership is indefinite (no expiration date) or it is just for a certain term/period.
    • Billing Frequency:This is the frequency the membership fee will be charged to the client's credit card on file
      • Bi-Weekly - This option is only available if the hidden setting at the parent level is enabled. To enable the hidden setting, please contact our Support Team at Select bi-weekly payment to charge the membership fee bi-weekly during the membership period. 
      • For bi-weekly payments, credits will be received every two weeks after a successful charge. Eg: If the membership is configured to provide 2 credits, the client will receive 2 credits every two weeks
    • Apply discounts only to locations where membership can be purchased: This setting is ONby default, but you can disable it at any time. 
      • When enabled, the discount will only be applied to locations where the membership can be purchased.
      • When disabled, it will allow the discount to be applied at ANY location selected on the discounts tab.1
    • Enable Online Purchase - Set whether the membership can be purchased through the booking or membership purchase widget.
    • Registration Fee Amount: This is a one-time fee that is charged when the membership is purchased.
    • Pause Fee Amount: This is a fee that is charged when a client pauses/freezes their membership. If a freeze fee is configured, it will be automatically charged every two weeks on the membership billing date during the freeze period.
    • Cancellation Fee Amount: This is a fee that is charged when a client cancels their membership. This fee can only be charged if the client has a card on file. Once you set up a cancellation fee on a membership, initiating a cancellation from the client's profile will trigger a pop-up asking if you want to charge the client the cancellation fee. If you agree, the system will automatically charge the fee to the client’s card on file.
    • Rollover Unused Benefits: This determines if unused membership value credits and item credits are rolled over to the next membership period or if they're lost forever.
    • Upgrade Membership After Expiry To: This allows you to specify that when an existing membership expires, the client will automatically be upgraded to a different membership, typically one with additional benefits.

Once you have completed all the necessary fields, you can continue by adding the price, discount, and credits. 

Configure Membership Price

On the Membership Price page, you will be able to set the amount the client will pay for the membership. If you have multiple locations, you can set the membership price per location or location group. 

Things to know:

  • Location groups can be found on the membership price page in the location dropdown
  • Global membership prices are only editable from the parent level
  • When saving a membership at the location group level, it will override the prices at all of the location group’s locations
  • When saving a membership at the location level, it will only affect the price at that location
  • When a location is added to a location group, it will inherit the location group’s membership pricing

To get started: 

  1. Click on the Membership Price tab and then click the +Add Membership Price link
  2. Enter the price and then select the location where the price should be applicable. To add multiple prices, you can select the +Add Membership Price link again to add the price for another location or location group
  3. Once you are satisfied with the pricing option for each location, you can go ahead and select the Discount tab

Configure Membership Discounts

The next step is to add membership discounts. This can be done on the Discounts page however, it is not a required step to take, your membership can be created without discounts.

  1. On the Discounts tab select the +Add Discount link
  2. Here you can set up membership $ and % discounts that can be applied to services, products, and classes. As well as determine if staff commission should be calculated on the pre or post-discounted value: 
    • Discount Name: The name that will be displayed in POS whenever this discount is applied.
      • If no discount name is configured, the discount will be displayed as "Membership Discount - x% or x$ Off."
      • If a discount name is configured, it will be displayed as "Membership Discount - [Discount Name]."
    • Qualified Items - Choose whether the discount is applicable to services only, classes only, products only, or a mixture. You can also select the service variation, class variation, or SKU.
    • Location - Select whether the discount should apply to all locations or a specific location.
    • Discount Value - The discount can be a flat dollar value ($) or a percentage (%).
    • Calculate Staff Commissions - Determine if staff commissions should be calculated on the pre-discount or post-discount value. This will override the general company setting 'Calculate service/product commission post discount' on the Settings page.
  3. You can also add multiple discounts for each membership and you can do this by clicking the +Add Discount link

Once you are satisfied with your changes, click on the Credits tab.

Configure Membership Credits

Membership credits can be configured on the Membership Credits page. You can set value credits and/or item credits for your memberships.  

  1. On the membership credits page, click the +Add Value Credits or the +Add Item Credits link
  2. To set a value credit, select the applicable item type, the category for these item types, and the individual items. Then, specify the quantity of value credits that this membership will provide:
    • Value credits can be applied to product purchases and appointments in POS before or after sales tax. Learn more here.
    • If the value credit applies to products only, membership value credit will only show up if a product is on the ticket. It will say Product Credit on the payment screen in POS.
    • If the value credit applies to services only, membership value credit will only show up if an appt is on the ticket. It will say Service Credit on the payment screen in POS.
    • If the value credit applies to both services and products, membership value credit will show up if an appointment OR product is on the ticket. It will say Service and Product Credit on the payment screen in POS. 
  3. To add item credits, select the applicable item type, the category for these item types, and the individual items. Then, specify the quantity of item credits that this membership will provide:
    • Item credits refer to items a member can receive as part of their membership and they can get X amount of services/classes/products for free each month
  4. You can add a reconciliation price per location for item credits which can be used to determine how much money the source location should pay the destination location in the event of a cross-location redemption.                                                                                                                                                   
  5. You can set a price for staff commissions by setting a price for each item, location, or staff. We will use the price set to base the percentage of staff commissions. If no price is set, we will use the regular retail price to calculate staff commissions. This means for services in membership, we will use the price set on the service menu and for products, in membership, we will use the price set in inventory.
    • To set the price for staff commissions, select the 'Set price for Staff commissions' link below item credits. The "Price for Staff Commissions" modal will appear which allows you to select the + Add Commission Price link                                                                                                                                                                                                               
    • An additional modal will appear and here you can add the following:          
      • Item: Select the item variation based on what was previously selected for the item credit. Eg: if the item credit is set for services only then this item dropdown will only include services 
      • Staff: Select the staff you wish to set this price for 
      • Price: Enter the price that should be used to calculate the commission for items covered by the membership
      • Location: Select the location(s) their price should be applied to                                                                       
  6. Save
  7. Once you are satisfied with your changes, select the Publish Membership button at the bottom of the page. 

You're all set. Now you can start selling memberships!


For more information, contact us at or (385) 233-6964.    

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