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Sell & Redeem Gift Cards via Ingenico Credit Card Terminals

Physical gift cards can now be sold and redeemed in-store using Ingenico credit card terminals. This feature is only available for physical gift cards purchased from MyTime and is only accessible to Ingenico terminal users. In this article, you will learn how to: 

Things to know:  

  1. To order physical gift cards or an Ingenico terminal, please contact our Processing Team at processing@mytime.com

  2. The Gift Card "Swipe" link appears only if at least one payment terminal supports clear text swiping.
  3. The terminal dropdown list in the Gift Card Swipe modal only includes terminals that support clear text swipe.
  4. The first six digits of MyTime issued Gift Cards will always be 698463
  5. The maximum length of a gift card number is 25 characters.

Sell Physical Gift Cards via Ingenico Credit Card Terminals

Selling gift cards through an Ingenico credit card terminal allows you to quickly register the gift card number without having to type it in or use a magstripe reader.

To sell a physical gift card via Ingenico credit card terminals:

  1. Navigate to the POS > New Ticket page
  2. Select Gift Card in the products tab Ticket-Details-MyTime__3_.png
  3. Choose the Swipe option next to the Card # fieldTicket-Details-MyTime__4_.png
  4. A swipe modal will be displayed                             MyTime-Mail.png
  5. Swipe the gift card on the terminal 
  6. The gift card number is entered into MyTime's Card # field 

Redeem Physical Gift Cards via Ingenico Credit Card Terminals 

To redeem a physical gift card via Ingenico credit card terminals:

  1. Navigate to the POS > New Ticket page
  2. Add an appointment or item to the ticket
  3. Select the Take Payment button  Ticket-Details-MyTime.png
  4. Select the Swipe link on the payment screen download__29_.png
  5. A swipe modal will be displayed                                                  image-png-1366_768-__1_.png                            
  6. Swipe the gift card on the terminal 
  7. Close the ticket

If you have any questions, please contact our Support Team at support@mytime.com. 

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