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Email / Print / Export Purchase Orders to Vendor

After submitting a purchase order, you can export it as an Excel or PDF file, print it, or email it to the vendor. In this article, we will explore each option.   

Things to know

  • The owner of the location and all location managers connected to the location will receive a copy of any purchase orders submitted to vendors through email. 
  • Purchase Orders will be sent FROM the email address of the location as it is set in the business info/edit location on the Business Setup > Business Profile page. 
  • If no email address is specified on the Business Setup > Business Profile page, the email vendor button on the purchase order page will be disabled.  


Send via Email

Print and send via Mail

Export as CSV

Export as PDF

Send via Email

You can save time by sending the purchase order to the vendor via email. To send a purchase order to a vendor via email: 

1. Locate the purchase order

2. Select the "Email to Vendor" button at the top of the page 14760079-078565fa2cabf2170cd098fd0a226dea.png

3. If an email address was already added when the vendor profile was created the PO will be sent to that email address by default. Confirm the action


4. A confirmation message will be displayed on the screen 


Print and send via Mail

You can send or scan a hard copy of a purchase order for the vendor:

1. Select the "Print" button at the top of the page 14760357-e1756f4ef6ddbdd414040af83c6ca799.png

2. Save and/or print the PDF  14760286-8f764612a8295dba54521eb4ec29ed51.png

Export as CSV

To export the purchase order as a CSV, simply:

1. Select the "Export to Excel" button at the top of the page. The "Export to Excel" option will be visible in the draft, or order status of the purchase order.  14760402-9c53cc790eeb7ea3c4d5044e8b375894.png

2. Open the file to view the results

Export as PDF

To export the purchase order as a PDF, simply:

1. Select the "Export to PDF" button at the top of the page. The "Export to PDF" option will be visible in the draft, or order status of the purchase order

2. Open the file to view the results


For more information contact us at support@mytime.com.            

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