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Guest Checkout

MyTime users can schedule appointments without creating a user account. Utilizing the guest checkout option will enable you to achieve this. In this article, we will walk through the guest checkout feature.

Things to know:  

  • If the client chooses to pay online, they will be required to enter their card information 
  • Questions on the intake form apply to the guest checkout option

To enable guest checkout: 

  1. Navigate to Business Setup > Settings
  2. Under the Online Bookings section, select one of the Guest Checkout options 
    • No guest checkout - If checked, when clients are booking online the option to book as a guest will not be present.
    • Allow guest checkout - If checked, when clients are booking online, they have the option to book as a guest.
    • Force guest checkout - If checked, when clients are booking online they will be forced to book as a guest. The option to book as an existing client or a new client will not be visible. 19967354-d62e10a3c361d34aee2a54eb653d28fe.png
  3. Save

Allow Guest Checkout

When "Allow Guest Checkout" is enabled, the checkout page will display the option for clients to "Continue as a Guest." The option to sign in or create a user account will also be displayed. 

  1. Navigate to the booking widget
  2. Select any service, date, and time
  3. On the checkout page, the client will be provided the option to "Continue as a Guest"19967610-f8963aeac57fd8e9b77ac87d2573e825.png
  4. Enter their email address and click the Guest Checkout button  TEST-MyTime-Salon.png
  5. Complete the intake form                 guest_checkout.png
  6. Complete booking

Their booking information will be displayed on the confirmation page. There will also be the option to create a user account.


Force Guest Checkout

When "Force Guest Checkout" is enabled, clients can only "Continue as a Guest" on the checkout page. There will be no option to sign in or create a user account. 

  1. Navigate to the booking widget
  2. Select any service, date, and time
  3. Enter their email address and click the Guest Checkout button guest_checkot.png
  4. Complete the intake form                       guest_checkout.png
  5. Complete booking

Only the booking information will be displayed on the confirmation page. There will be no option to create a user account.


For more information contact us at support@mytime.com.     

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