In each client profile, you can modify various aspects of the membership, such as the value and item credits, membership price, billing day, custom charge date, and more. This article will explain how to edit memberships on a client's profile.
Things to know:
- When changes are made to a membership, they take effect after the next successful charge.
- Memberships can be canceled from the client's profile when editing. Learn more here
- Membership items and value credits can be edited directly from the membership section on the client's profile
Editing Client's Membership
- Navigate to the Clients tab
- Select the desired client
- Scroll down to the Memberships section
- Click the Edit Membership button to edit the details
- When the edit membership modal appears you will be able to edit the following:
- Name - The name of the membership. The 'Change' hyperlink will only be displayed if the upgrade/downgrade feature is enabled. Learn more here
- Membership Price - The price for the membership. Changing the price will also change the next charge amount
- Freeze Fee - This is a fee that is charged when the membership is frozen
- Cancellation Fee - This is a fee that is charged when the membership is canceled
- Billing Day - The day of the month the membership should be charged. For memberships with weekly payments, this field will allow you to select the day of the week the membership should be charged.
- Custom Charge Date - You can set a custom charge date for membership to be charged on that date. After the custom charge is triggered, the regular billing cycle will resume
- Purchase Location - The location where the membership was purchased
- Auto-Renew - If this is set to YES, the membership will renew automatically after the contract period has ended. However, the auto-renew field is only shown for termed memberships
- Rollover Unused Benefits - This determines if unused membership dollar credits and item credits are rolled over to the next membership period or if they're lost forever.
- Price protection on scheduled updates - This prevents a scheduled membership price update from changing any custom membership price you've set for this existing member
- Save
Editing Item Credits
- To edit the quantity of the item credit balance, click on the View Details link below the Item Credit Balance
- Edit the quantity
- Save
Editing Value Credits
- To edit the quantity of the value credit balance, click on the View Details link below the Value Credit Balance
- Edit the quantity
- Editing the amount
- Save
Once saved, the changes will be effective for that client's membership moving forward.
For more information contact us at or (385) 233-6964.