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Appointments in Split View

Merchants that have the Waitlist feature enabled can see their schedule using the Split View option. The Split View displays the Waitlist on the left and a list of employees will appear along with their in-service appointments on the right. Split View can be accessed by:

  1. Navigating to the Schedule
  2. Filter by split-view via the drop-down menu located at the top left of the Scheduler  16508733-d200891f1e00b41091f2ec9a955c3380.png

Upcoming Appointments in Split View

The In-Service list of the split view shows the next upcoming appointment. It appears with a dotted line border and a gray background.  16509739-c3ef484e320778c26c120fdce185c166.png

Appointments that are currently on the Waitlist can be started automatically by dragging them from the left menu to the right menu or by using the Start button. 16510011-f00e6815b21437265d78abaa74990d43.png

Clicking "Check-In" updates the appointment status to checked-in, displays the appointment as in-service, and fetches the next upcoming appointment. 16509739-c3ef484e320778c26c120fdce185c166__1_.png

Additionally, to edit an appointment on these screens, you can click anywhere in the row. This helps save space on small screens.

Un-starting an Appointment in Split View

In Split View, you can drag an appointment from the "In Service" column to the "Waitlist" column to "un-start" an appointment. This is useful in the case that you accidentally started a waiting appointment. 16510171-85a6a17c4285048976c804a43e84b80c.png

It can also be done from within the appointment modal. 



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