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Appointment Labels

There are various labels you'll encounter on the schedule to indicate key appointment information. See below the list of labels:

Labels Description
16516653-a590d1f2b7b429e9a781a7d4981bf6e7.png This indicates that the service can be covered by a package. 
16516810-0a56b5b70cf81b9015a074dabfaa2fce.png This indicates that a package has been used to cover a service.
16516711-aa7ddc4e4af1dd716669f6a3dc3bf6d0.png This indicates that the service can be covered by a membership.
16516766-55230e39fe41beac1abc174889d23e10.png This indicates that a membership has been used to cover a service.
16516037-1e54b8687ddbb1301137a53486a4bbb8.png This indicates that the client is a member. Hovering over the information icon displays the name of the membership. 
4DE9F42F-6333-4B39-8AAC-7FC50AE93EE9_4_5005_c.jpeg This indicates that the client has a package. Hovering over the information icon displays the name of the package. 
16516593-c6db395daee7867dbafc3f998af351d0.png This indicates that the client paid for the appointment online. 
16516869-f98d8c08bf4a71f2d71e167fc9552702.png This indicates that the appointment was booked online. 
16530002-3157ac4a26ec868a72b8021fa33eca9c.png This indicates that the appointment was redone.
DE8C0FCE-44D4-4974-9696-73F0065C8161_4_5005_c.jpeg This indicates that the service is only for clients with an active membership. 
This indicates that the membership is suspended due to failed payments (no credit card on file or insufficient funds).
This indicates that the membership is frozen.


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