Before you attempt to create a purchase order, please ensure that you have created vendor profiles and assigned products to vendors. You can learn more about vendor profiles here.
Things to know:
- Purchase orders cannot be deleted; however, they can be canceled as long as they are in draft or ordered status
- Once the setting "Allow Updating Cost of PO (Purchase Order) After Submission" is enabled, you can update the cost of a Purchase Order after it has been submitted, as long as the Purchase Order status has not yet changed to "Completed".
- When the "Allow Updating Cost of PO After Submission" setting is enabled, you can edit the following columns:
- In the "Ordered" status: cost and shipping fee
- In the "Checked-In" status: cost-related columns (cost, vendor discount, net cost, price, % margin), as well as add to retail, add to back bar, damaged/defective, and notes.
- In the "Completed" status, all cost-related columns (cost, vendor discount, net cost, price, % margin) will be visible but not editable.
- When the "Allow Updating Cost of PO After Submission" setting is disabled:
- In the "Ordered" status, only the shipping fee column can be edited
- In the "Checked-In" status, you can edit the add to retail, add to back bar, damaged/defective, and notes columns. The vendor discount, net cost, price, and % margin columns will not be displayed, and the cost column will be visible but not editable.
- In the "Completed" status, cost-related columns (cost, vendor discount, net cost, price, % margin) will be visible, but not editable.
- If access control to product quantity/price/cost is blocked, a '-' will be shown instead of the value.
- Once a Purchase Order is submitted, it can be exported as a csv, printed or emailed to the vendor.
To create a purchase order:
- Navigate to POS > Inventory
- Select Purchase Orders from the left panel
- Click Create Purchase Order button in the upper right corner
- Choose a supplier from the Vendor list then select Next
Add products to your purchase order
- Option 1 - To add products, expand the product library at the bottom left of the page. Search for a product by using the product name, SKUs or barcode, then select the Product Name. (Important: If you choose Auto Generate PO after searching, it will override your search terms).
Option 2 - Select Auto Generate - If you auto-generate a purchase order, we compare the max stock quantity to the current stock levels for a given location, and populate a draft order for you.
- Option 1 - To add products, expand the product library at the bottom left of the page. Search for a product by using the product name, SKUs or barcode, then select the Product Name. (Important: If you choose Auto Generate PO after searching, it will override your search terms).
Once the products are added, you can:
- Add a PO ID
- Invoice ID
- Select payment method if multiple options were configured
- Edit the quantity field to the amount you will order from the vendor
- Edit the price field to the amount you will pay the vendor for the product. This price field does not change the cost saved in inventory.
- Add a shipping fee - Shipping cost charged by the vendor
- Add a note
- Click the trash icon next to each item to remove it from the purchase order
- You can submit the purchase order or save it as a draft
Once submitted, you can export it as an excel or a PDF, print it, or email the PO to the vendor.
Learn More:
- Email / Print / Export Purchase Order
- Receiving Purchase Orders
- Reopen Closed Purchase Orders
- Purchase Order Auto Generate Feature and Searching for Products