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Inventory Report

This report shows the current inventory level of each SKU. 

Things to know:

  • Only stocked products are listed in the report
  • Status is based on the "Min" level set from POS > Inventory
  • The inventory page and inventory export are mainly used for stock keeping and are therefore displaying cost as first in, first out.
  • The inventory report is mainly used for finance/accounting and therefore displays cost as averaged
  • By default, the report shows only stocked products. However, a hidden setting allows you to include products with a quantity of 0 in the report. This setting can be enabled by the MyTime team. To activate it, please contact support@mytime.com. Once enabled, the setting cannot be disabled, and products with a quantity of 0 will only be visible in the report if they were added after the setting was activated.

To access this report:

  1. Navigate to Dashboard

  2. Select the Reports tab

  3. Under the Point Of Sale section, select the Inventory report


When the report opens, you can filter by a specific location. If the By Location button is used at the top of the report, you will be able to easily compare metrics across locations and location groupings to see which locations are doing better or worse on that dimension.   

Below the date and location filter, you will the following features:

Create Snapshot - Provides the ability to record historical inventory levels by saving a snapshot of the data as of that moment and downloading it later as a CSV. The Snapshots can be accessed from the Snapshot tab above. Learn more here mceclip0.png

Search bar - This enables you to search for products on the report by SKU#

Excel, PDF and Print icons - you have the ability to export this report to Excel, PDF, or print


Once you have selected your filters, click on the UPDATE button to generate the desired data.

Report Columns

Column Description
Brand Brand of the product
Product The full name of the SKU
SKU # The product ID used by your wholesaler or distributor
Cost Basis

The price paid to the vendor for the SKU. If an SKU has multiple shipments, the cost basis will be calculated as the total cost value of all shipments/quantity of all shipments.


Cost Basis Retail Quantity/Stock Back bar Quantity/Stock Total Cost
$6 9 0 $54
$8 2 0 $16
Total 11 0 $70


Total cost basis = Total cost / Total quantity

70 / 11 = $6.36

Retail Price The price paid by the client for the SKU
% Margin

This is the profitability of each product, expressed as the percentage difference between the Retail Price and the Cost Basis. This metric helps evaluate profit in relation to the selling price, calculated using the formula: (Retail Price − Cost Basis) / Retail Price × 100. For example, a product with a retail price of $50 and a cost basis of $30, the margin is calculated as follows: (50 - 30) / 50 x 100 = 40%

Vendor The supplier of the product
Retail Stock  The total retail quantity of the product on hand
Back Bar Stock The total back bar quantity of the product on hand
On Order Stock The total quantity from a Purchase Order in ordered status
Retail Cost Value Total retail stock x cost basis
Back bar Cost Value Total back bar stock x cost basis
Cost Value Total retail and back bar stock x cost basis
Retail Value Total retail stock x retail price
Expires On The Expiration Date of Products
Min The quantity at which you want to be alerted to re-order on MyTime.
Max The quantity of each SKU you want to maintain. This is used to calculate the reorder

The quantity level at which you need to reorder the product.

Reorder = Max - Current Retail & Back Bar Quantity OR 0 if total quantity > max


Max = 4

Retail Stock = 2

Backbar Stock = 1

Reorder = 4 - (2 + 1) = 1



Indicates whether a product needs to be replenished.


The alert threshold (Min) is 5.

If the retail/back bar quantity =/< 0, status is OUT

If the retail/back bar quantity < alert threshold (Min), the status is LOW

Otherwise, the status is OK




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