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Service Sales Detail Report

This report shows a list of every service sale from closed tickets.

Things to know:

  • Appointments on open tickets will not appear in the report until the ticket is saved or closed.
  • Refunds will show up on the date the refund took place rather than on the original ticket date. For example, if a service sale happened on November 13th but was refunded on November 23rd, this report will display the negative revenue on the 23rd rather than the 13th. 
  • If multiple services are attached to an appointment you will see multiple entries on the report for the ticket (one for each service). 
  • For pet merchants, the report will show the word “deceased” in parentheses next to the name of the pet that was marked as deceased.

To access this report:

  1. Navigate to Dashboard

  2. Select the Reports tab
  3. Under the Point Of Sale section, select the Service Sales Detail report


When the report opens, you can filter by a specific location, staff, and date. You can also choose to view the report by date or location. If the By Location button is used at the top of the report, you will be able to easily compare metrics across locations and location groupings to see which locations are doing better or worse on that dimension.   

You also have the ability to export to Excel, PDF, or print.


Once you have selected your filters, click on the UPDATE button to generate the desired data.

Report Filters

Filter Description
Location The location where the appointment took place.
Staff The name of the staff member who performed the service. 
Service Category The category to which a service belongs. For example, a Men's Cut would belong to the Haircut category. 
Date The date the ticket was closed.
Revenue At

If Revenue at time of purchase is selected:

  • The gift card column will be visible, allowing revenue from gift card sales to be displayed.

  • The prepaid column will be displayed

  • Revenue from items paid with a membership, package, or gift card will be recorded in the prepaid column and deducted from the gross revenue. 

  • The full revenue for membership purchases will be displayed 

If Revenue at time of use is selected:

  • The gift card, membership, and package columns will be hidden, which means that revenue from gift card, membership and package sales will not be displayed 
  • The prepaid column will be hidden; however, prepaid revenue (revenue from services, classes, or products redeemed through memberships, packages, or gift cards) will be displayed in the respective columns and included in the gross and net amounts after deducting discounts and refunds

If Revenue at time of use legacy is selected:

    • The gift card column will be hidden, which means that revenue from gift card sales will not be displayed
    • The prepaid column will be hidden, so prepaid revenue will not be shown.
    • No revenue will be displayed for items that were paid for with a membership item credit or package
    • Membership value credits will be deducted from the membership revenue


Report Columns

Column Description
Date The date the ticket with the appointment was closed.
Location The location associated with the ticket.
Ticket The classifying number associated with the ticket. Clicking this link opens the ticket in MyTime POS.
Appointment The classifying number associated with the appointments. Clicking this link opens the appointment modal in Scheduler. 
Client Client associated with the appointment. Clicking this link opens the client's profile. 
Staff The staff member who performed the service during the date range and location selected. Clicking this link opens the staff member's profile. 
Category The category to which a service belongs. For example, a Men's cut would belong to the Haircut category. 
Service The name of the service 
Count The service's multiplier value 
Unit Price The value of each service before taxes and discounts were applied 
Revenue Service revenue earned for the date range selected. Prepaid amounts will be deducted from the service revenue when "Time of Use" is selected.
Prepaid Includes package, gift card, referral credit, membership item, and value credit redemption for services. The Prepaid column will not be displayed if the "Revenue at the time of use" filter is selected.
Service Discounts Service discounts that were applied during the date range selected.
Refunds Service refunds that were processed during the date range selected.
Net Revenue Service Revenue - Service Refunds - Service Discounts. 
Sales Tax Tax applied to the service.
Refunded Tax Tax refunds that were processed during the date range selected.


For more information contact us at support@mytime.com.            

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