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Service Pricing & Duration by Location Group (without titles)

Price and duration for services can be set by location group without having to use staff titles. You can select a location group, click on a service, and set pricing/durations for all locations in the location group without worrying about their multiple titles.  

Things to know:

  • This option allows you to customize service pricing for each staff member or location group.
  • When you add a location to a location group, the employees' prices/durations will be set to the location group's value. 
  • For franchise businesses, the setting is configured at the global (parent) level and the franchisee (child) level will inherit the setting.

In this article, we will learn how to set price and duration by location groups (without titles). 

To get started: 

  1. Navigate to Business Setup > Settings
  2. Scroll down to the staff section
  3. Set the following:
    • Do prices vary by staff member? Prices are the same for all locations and staff members in a location group
    • Service durations are the same for all locations and staff members in a location group


  4. Save your changes 
  5. Navigate to Business Setup > Services
  6. Expand the location filter and select a location group 10198166-199d1e233fcd2dfd5baa186eabe8c27e.png
  7. Next, select the Edit link next to the service you would like to adjust the price and duration 10198177-b2c1e16dc212d79ac7041fa40a6efdf5.png
  8. When the modal opens, select the Edit link below Duration 10198381-2b5e651077f27cb1c59fc8321486abc8.png
  9. Another modal will appear with only one “title” which will say “All” 10198415-3c6455e193a8d4b4bfcb49b2347cb552.png
  10. Add the desired duration and save. This will trigger a warning with the text "This will update durations for all staff members at all locations in the location group". Saving will then overwrite all employees' duration at the location group's locations with the new value. 10198434-0b87dcf33dadbd10e37192e7f17e33fa.png
  11. To edit the price, select the Edit link below Regular Price 10198464-5f581303fc838ddd9a25ba34a7b9e13c.png
  12. The Price modal will appear with only one “title” which will say “All” 10198483-5e964e1f525bb59e8229f3253668babf__1_.png
  13. Add your desired price and save your changes. This will trigger a warning with the text "This will update prices for all staff members at all locations in the location group". Saving will then overwrite all employees' pricing at the location group's locations with the new value.

If you have any questions about Pricing and Duration by Location Group, please contact our Support Team at support@mytime.com. 


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