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Stackable Item Promotions

In this article, you will find comprehensive information on the various use cases of promo codes in POS.

USE CASE 1 - Auto-Apply discount 

  • The product is scanned or manually added to the ticket, the promotion is automatically applied.

USE CASE 2 - Auto-Apply discount + stackable discount on (item not on the excluded list)

  • Auto-apply discount automatically comes up when a product is scanned or manually added to the ticket.

  • A stackable non-auto apply discount is added to the product to take off a certain percentage.

  • The discount will be applied to the amount after the auto-apply discount (eg. $100 product, 50% auto discount = $50, stackable coupon for 10% of = $5 off rather than $10 off; final price should be $45).

  • If there is yet another stackable promotion that can be added to the purchase, the discount will be applied against the price after the other discounts, not the original price (eg. if applied to the example, the discount applies to the $45 cost, not the $100 original price).

USE CASE 3 - Auto-Apply discount + stackable discount on (item on the excluded list)

  • Auto-apply discount automatically comes up when a product is scanned or manually added to the ticket.
  • A stackable non-auto apply discount is added to the product to take off a certain percentage but the product is excluded from this promotion.
  • The system will not allow for the promotion to be applied with the auto discount.

USE CASE 4 - Auto-Apply discount + Non-stackable discount (item not on the excluded list)

  • Auto-apply discount automatically comes up when a product is scanned or manually added to the ticket.

  • A non-stackable discount is added to the product to take off a certain percentage

  • The system should not allow for the promotion to be applied with the auto discount

USE CASE 5 - Auto-Apply discount + another Auto-Apply discount

  • If more than 1 Auto-apply discount applies to a product or group of products, the largest discount should be applied to the customer’s purchase.

  • If the user removes the auto applied discount, the next applicable auto apply discount will be added to the ticket.

USE CASE 6 - Auto-Apply discount + Manual discount

  • Auto-apply discount automatically comes up when a product is scanned or manually added to the ticket.

  • The user attempts to put in a manual discount (either % or $).

  • The discount gets applied successfully. If it is a % discount, ensure that the percentage is applied to the post-auto-apply discount price (eg. $100 product, 50% auto discount = $50; additional 10% discount applies to the $50 for a further discount of $5 and final price of $45).

USE CASE 7 - Stackable discount + Stackable discount on (item not on the excluded list for either promo)

  • The product comes up with the regular price when scanned or manually added to the ticket.

  • The user applies a stackable discount that applies to that product

  • The discount gets applied successfully

  • The user applies another stackable discount that applies to that product

  • Discount is calculated on the first discounted price (eg. $100 product, 50% applied discount = $50, additional 10% discount applies to the $50 for a further discount of $5 and final price of $45).

USE CASE 8 - Stackable discount + Non-stackable discount on (item not on the excluded list for either promo)

  • The product comes up with the regular price when scanned or manually added to the ticket.

  • The user applies a stackable discount that applies to that product

  • The discount gets applied successfully

  • The user applies a non-stackable discount that applies to that product

  • The system will not allow the discount to be added

  • If the user removes the original stackable discount, they can then add the non-stackable discount.

Similarly to the auto + non-stackable case (USE CASE 4), the non-stackable discount is given the highest precedence and we always allow it to be added, even if incompatible with existing discounts. So when it is added, it kicks off the stackable discounts that are already applied.

USE CASE 9 - Non-stackable discount + Non-stackable discount on (item not on the excluded list for the promo)

  • The product comes up with the regular price when scanned or manually added to the ticket.

  • The user applies a non-stackable discount that applies to that product

  • The discount gets applied successfully

  • The user attempts to apply another non-stackable discount that applies to that product. The system does not allow the discount to be added.

  • If the user removes the original discount, they can then add the new non-stackable discount.

USE CASE 10 - Manual discount on + Stackable discount (item not on the excluded list for the promo)

  • User attempts to put in a manual discount (either % or $) item gets discounted by the % or $ amount specified (eg. $100 with $10 discount = $90).

  • The user applies a stackable discount that applies to that product

  • The discount gets applied to the already discounted price (eg. stackable 10% off of $90 = $9 off = $81).



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