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POS Printed Receipt Footer Message

You can customize the footer information on printed receipts, and it can be updated as often as needed. This article will guide you step by step on how to update the receipt footer message.

Things to Know:

  • The printed receipt footer message can be configured with the following options:

    • Default: The custom vanity URL from the business profile will be displayed in the receipt footer.

    • Custom: You can enter a custom message in the text field. If the field is left empty, no footer message will be shown.

To add printed receipts footer message:

  1. Navigate to Location Setup > Settings
  2. Navigate to the POS section
  3. For the POS receipt footer message setting, select the desired option
  4. Once you are satisfied with your message, save your changes

Moving forward, whenever a receipt is printed in POS, the footer message will be the one you added on your settings page. See the screenshots below.

Default Message

Custom Message

Blank Custom Message 

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