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Business Snapshot

The Business Snapshot report compiles data from multiple reports into a single, downloadable PDF. The report allows you to automatically capture periodic point-in-time summaries, across various types of data. This report is useful in quickly understanding the overall company performance across different metrics. 

Things to know:

  • When running the report based on closed ticket dates, only services and product sales with a closed ticket will be reported (on the date the ticket was closed).
  • When running the report based on service date, any services and their appointment values will appear on the report, regardless of ticket status. We recommend running based on closed ticket dates if you collect and record payments through MyTime. 
  • The “Include Compensation” checkbox controls whether the Staff Compensation table should be included in the generated PDF report. The checkbox will remain unchecked by default as it takes significantly longer to generate the business snapshot report with compensation data for multi-day date ranges
  • If you do not have the “track compensation by staff member” setting enabled on your account, the Include Compensation checkbox will not appear, and the Staff Compensation table will not be displayed on the generated snapshot
  • The Payment Received table will only include referral credits and loyalty points if the business is configured to provide these incentives to clients.
  • The Register table will only be shown if the snapshot is generated for a single day. The table will be hidden if it is generated for multiple days or date ranges 
  • If Recognize revenue at time of purchase is selected, the Gift Cards column will be displayed on the Revenue Summary table and the Prepaid column will be displayed in the Collections Adjustments table                                               
  • If Recognize revenue at time of use is selected, revenue for gift cards and membership value credits is recognized at the time of use and packages at time of purchase. The Gift Cards column will not be displayed on the Revenue Summary table and the Prepaids column will not be displayed on the Collections Adjustments table. When this option is selected, the Collections and Payments Received tables will not match                                                      

To access the business snapshot:

1. Navigate to your dashboard

2. Next, select the Business Snapshot PDF link

3. Set your desired filters

  • Location
  • Staff
  • Date 
  • Recognized revenue at time of purchase/time of use
  • Generate based on service date or closed ticket date
  • To include the compensation table or not

4. Select the Generate button                                     

See below the list of tables shown on the snapshot, where the data is taken from and the definition of the columns on each table.


Column Definition

Revenue Summary - This table takes data from the Daily Revenue Report. Compilation of revenue types and totals from closed tickets. This table does not include net revenue.

Note: Not available with 'service date filter.'


Services - Revenue for all appointments during the date range.

Classes  - Revenue for all classes and events during the date range.

Products - Revenue for all products sold during the date range. This includes miscellaneous charges.

Gift Cards - Revenue for all gift cards sold during the date range.

Packages - Revenue for all packages sold during the date range.

Memberships - Revenue for all memberships sold and recurring membership charges during the date range.

Environmental Fees - Revenue for environmental fees collected during the date range.

Cancellation Fees - Revenue for all cancellation fees collected during the date range.

Gross Revenue - Sum of all revenue.

Collections Adjustments - This table adjusts gross revenue to show how much money was actually collected.

Note: Not available with 'service date filter.'

Prepaid - Includes package redemption, membership item and value credit redemption, gift card redemption.

Refunds - Includes refunds for all item types (service, product, membership, package, gift card, misc. fee, cancellation fee).

Discounts - Includes discounts for all item types (service, product, membership, package, gift card, misc. fee, cancellation fee).

Net Revenue - Gross Revenue - Prepaid - Refunds - Discounts.

Taxes - This column takes data from the Sales Tax Collected report. Includes all tax collected. 

Tips - This column takes data from the Tips report. Includes all tips whether or not they were withdrawn. 

Total Collected - Net Revenue + Taxes + Tips

Payments Received - The data displayed is from the Daily Payments Report. It shows all payments received by payment method from open & closed tickets, broken down by payment method, regardless of whether a register was open at the time the payment was received.

Registers - Takes data from the Register Closeout Report. It shows the cash changes in the register.

Note: The table is not available when if you run the business snapshot report over a date range rather than for a single date. This is because registers must be closed each day and we will automatically close open registers at midnight (and assume a perfect count) if the staff forgets to close the register before leaving for the day.

Service Revenue - The data displayed is from the Service Sales Detail report.

It displays every service sale from closed tickets. 

Service Name - The name of the service as displayed on the service menu.

Count - The number of services/appointments performed.

Revenue - Total revenue for each service variation.

Discounts - This shows all discounts that were applied to services including membership discounts.

Refunds - Includes all service refunds.

Profit - Value is the same as Net Revenue. Calculation is Revenue - Discounts - Refunds.

Product Revenue - The data displayed is from the Product Sales Detail report.

It displays every product sale from closed tickets. 

Product Name - The name of the product as shown in the inventory.

Count - The number of products sold.

Revenue - Total revenue for each product sold. This also includes miscellaneous fees.

Discounts - This shows all discounts that were applied to products including membership discounts.

Refunds - Includes all product refunds. 

Cost Of Goods - Sums of all the SKU item stock cost x quantity

Profit - Revenue - Discounts - Refunds

Sales Tax - Tax collected for the product sold.

Refunded Tax - Portion of the sales tax that was refunded.

Booking Source - The data displayed is from the Source of Booking Report. It displays the booking source of each appointment booked during the date range.

Google - The client booked the appointment from your Google listing.

Facebook - The client booked the appointment from your Facebook page.

Mobile App - The client booked the appointment from the custom Guest App.

Online Booking - The client booked the appointment from the My Favorites or My Purchases option in My Account, or from using the Book Now button on your website that redirects them to the MyTime website (mkp or express checkout) links.

Website Online Booking - The client booked the appointment from your website using the Book button that opens the modal without actually redirecting to the MyTime website.

Added by Business - A staff member booked the appointment for the client.

MyTime Import - MyTime imports your appointments from the previous software. 

Walk-In Online Booking - A client added themself to the walk-in waitlist online

Walk-In - A staff member added the client to the waitlist 

Walk-In Kiosk - A client was added to the waitlist via kiosk

Appointment Schedule - Key production metrics are displayed. The information is compiled from multiple reports.

Guests Served - Unique guests OR clients with appointments.

Services Performed - Counts all services (not appointments) performed during the date range. It does not include no-shows or canceled appointments. The data displayed is from the By Service report.

Utilization - Hours Worked / (Hours Available * bookings per time slot). The data displayed is from the Calendar Utilization Report.

Productive Hours Available - Available Bookable Hours (Scheduled hours) for the date range. The data displayed is from the Staff Productivity report.

$ per Available Hour - Service Revenue / Productive Hours Available. 

Productive Hours Worked - Productive Hours that were booked with appointments. The data displayed is from the Appointment History report Add up all the appointment durations.

$ per Worked Hour - Service Revenue / Productive Hours Worked.

Client Type - The data displayed is from the Client Type report. It shows appointments and revenue by new and existing clients.

Appointment Status - The data displayed is from the Appointments report. Appointment status totals for appointments on schedule. 

Staff Metrics - The data displayed is taken from the Staff Productivity and Compensation reports. It shows key staff productivity metrics that are useful in driving performance improvements.

Note - Only staff members who have ‘Track Compensation’ enabled on their profile will be shown in the report.

Staff - The name of the staff member as shown on their staff profile.

Retail Sales / Hour - Product sales / Clocked Hours

Service Sales / Hour - Service Sales / Clocked Hours

Clocked Hours - Total productive and non-productive clocked hours logged.

Prod Hours - Total productive clocked hours.

Appts - Number of appointments done during the date range. 

Services - Revenue for all services/appointments performed during the date range.

Products - Revenue for all products sold including miscellaneous charges during the date range.

Packages - Revenue for all the packages sold during the date range.

Gift Cards - Revenue for all gift cards sold during the date range.

Memberships - Revenue for all memberships sold during the date range.

Discounts - Discount for all item types.

Refunds - Refund for all item types.

Staff Compensation - The data displayed is taken from the Daily Compensation report. It shows commissions generated per staff member, along with tips received for the date range selected.

Note - Only staff members who have ‘Track Compensation’ enabled on their profile will be shown in the report.

Staff - The name of the staff member.

Hours Pay - The hourly wage amount entered on the staff profile. The amount is only calculated for clocked hours.

Services - Service commission for all appointments performed by the staff member during the date range.

Products - Product commission for all products sold by the staff member during the date range.

Packages - Package commission for all packages sold by the staff member during the date range.

Gift Cards - Gift card commission for all gift cards sold by the staff member during the date range.

Memberships - Membership commission for all memberships sold by the staff member during the date range.

Tips - Include tips for the staff member that were not withdrawn.

Backbar - Back bar fees are fees that a stylist or employee incurs for using products at a salon or business. The fee is deducted from the staff member's commission.

Compensation - Total commission for staff members.

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