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Appointments / Bookings Report

The Appointments report provides you with appointment data for all appointments created in MyTime. Through the report filters, you are able to filter through different appointment statuses such as currently booked appointments, completed appointments, no-shows, and canceled appointments. This report can be used to understand different appointment data points, such as appointment time and location, appointment status, booking source, and client information all in one place. 

Things to know:

  • This report allows you to delete appointments, a feature controlled by a hidden setting tied to the "Delete Appointments" access control in Business Setup > Staff > Access Control Settings. To enable this hidden setting, please contact our Support Team at support@mytime.com.
  • Multi-staff service appointments listed in the report will display the names of all staff members assigned to the service.

To access this report:

  1. Navigate to Dashboard
  2. Select the Appointments tab


When the report opens, you can filter by a specific location, staff, appointment status, the date the appointment was booked, and the date the appointment is scheduled for. 

Once you have selected your filters, click on the UPDATE button to generate the data. On the top right of the report, you have the option to export the report as a CSV, PDF, or print version. You can also search for a specific client using the client search bar.

Report Filters

 Filter Description

The location associated with the appointment. This filter will only be visible if there are multiple locations on the account.


The staff member associated with the appointment. You can filter by a specific staff member or all staff.


The name of the booked or scheduled service.


The date the appointment was booked/scheduled for

Appointment status

Status of the appointment


Report Columns

Column Description
Created At The date and time the appointment was booked.
Time Date and time of the appointment
Location The location associated with the appointment
Client Client associated with the appointment. Clicking this link opens the client's profile
Email Email address of the client. If one was added to their profile, it will be reflected. 
Phone Phone number of the client. If one was added to their profile, it will be reflected. 
Staff The staff member associated with the appointment. Clicking this link opens the staff member's profile.
Service The name of the service associated with the appointment. 
Price Price of the service(s) associated with the appointment. 
Appointment # The classifying number associated with an appointment. Clicking this link opens the appointment modal in Scheduler.
Ticket #

The ticket associated with the appointment. Clicking this link opens the ticket in MyTime POS.

Source The booking source of the appointment (Booking Widget, Google, Facebook, etc).

Appointment status (Booked, Cancelled, Completed, etc). 



For more information contact us at support@mytime.com.            


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