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Global Employee Titles

At MyTime, businesses have the option to add employee titles at the parent level, which will appear on staff member profiles when selected at both the parent and child level. Adding an employee title is the first step in setting service pricing and duration by title.

Things to Know

  • Global employee titles are created at the parent level
  • Once created, these titles can be assigned to staff profiles at both the parent and child level. However, global titles cannot be edited at the child level.
  • At the child level, you can identify global employee titles which is typically marked with a global icon, while titles created at the child level will not have an icon beside them.

To create global employee titles:

From the parent account: 

1. Navigate to Business Setup, and select the Staff tab

Screenshot 2024-04-17 171946.jpg

2. Select the 'Manage Titles' option at the bottom of the screen

Manage title.jpg

3. A manage titles modal will appear, allowing you to add as many employee titles as you wish. You will also have the option to edit or delete the titles you've added.

modal 2.png

4. If you make any changes to the titles, remember to save the adjustments made

5. When adding or editing a staff member, the employee titles you created will be visible on the title dropdown menu.

Screenshot 2024-04-22 124550.png

6. Once you select a title from the dropdown, scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click 'Save.'

Screenshot 2024-04-22 124648.png

By following these steps, you will be able to create global employee titles successfully.


For more information contact us at support@mytime.com or (385) 233-6964.



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