Tipping via a credit card terminal with a card on file offers a simple and efficient way to manage payments for both clients and staff. This article will walk you through the steps to take a tip using a saved credit card on the terminal.
To tip via credit card terminal using a card on file:
- Navigate to the Schedule > Open the desired appointment
- Click "Create Ticket"
- You will be directed to the POS > New Ticket page
- Expand the dropdown menu in the upper right-hand corner of the page > Select the desired terminal
- Select the 'Take Payment' button
- You can choose the card saved on file
- A request will be sent to the card terminal while in POS you will be presented with a pop-up to click the 'Request Tip via Pin-Pad' button
- The client can either select a % or $ amount (depending on your business settings)
- If you choose % tipping, the client will choose between three preset % or the other options using 1-9 keys then press enter (green button)
- If you choose $ tipping - the client will choose between three preset $ or the other options using 1-9 keys then press enter (green button)
- The tip amount will be added to the total
- The client will then be required to sign the terminal to complete the payment > Click OK
- Back in POS, you will be presented with the 'Split Tip' pop-up > Save
- Close the ticket
Related Article:
Tipping via Credit Card Terminal
Signatures on Credit Card Transactions
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