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Referral Program on Guest App

In this article, we'll outline the steps your clients need to follow to view and use the referral credit from the guest app. 

Things to know:

The referral program button will be displayed on the guest app if the parent account has the referral program enabled.


Applying Referral Credits on the Guest App

To apply referral credit to bookings on the guest app:

1. Clients must download the guest app from either the Google Play Store (for Android users) or the Apple Store (for iOS users)

2. Upon downloading, navigate to the home screen and tap on the account icon located in the top right corner


3. On the sign-in page, clients can either log in using their MyTime consumer credentials or sign in using Facebook 


4. Upon signing in, clients will be directed to the My Account page, select the 'Home' button at the bottom of the screen


5. Select the 'Book Appointment' option


6. Select the desired location (if the account has multiple locations)

7. Select a time for the service then checkout

8. On the Checkout page, the Apply Referral Credit section will appear displaying the referral credit balance and allowing them to enter the amount they wish to use and then click "Apply"   

9. Select the 'Complete Booking' button at the bottom of the screen



Viewing Referral Credit

To view their referral credit on the guest app:

1. From the home screen, clients can go to the 'My Account' page by clicking on the icon to the top right of the screen


2. Select 'Referral Program'


3. Here they can see:

  • Credit Summary:
    • Referrals Sent - This shows how many referrals the client sent
    • Referrals Activated - This shows how many referral credits the client activated
    • Credits Earned - This shows the amount of credit the client earned 
    • Credits Remaining -  This shows the client's referral credit balance
  • Invite Your Friend By Email: 
    • Message to Recipient - They can enter the message they wish to send to family and friends with their referral link
    • Email - Enter the email address of the referee
    • Share Invite Link - They can opt to share their referral link by copying and forwarding it to others or by sharing it on Facebook or Twitter
    • Referral Program Terms and Conditions - This link will display the referral program terms and conditions created by the business



For more information contact us at support@mytime.com.    


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