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Campaign Template Icons

When modifying campaign templates, you have the option to add different icons into these messages. Please refer to the list below to explore the available options for the campaign templates.

Campaign Icons:

Icon Action
insert promo code snippet.png Insert Promo Code Snippet
Automated Messages - MyTime (1).png Insert Client First Name
Automated Messages - MyTime (2).png Insert Your Business Name
Automated Messages - MyTime.png Insert Your Business Phone Number
Automated Messages - MyTime (3).png Insert Link to Profile
Automated Messages - MyTime (4).png Insert Book Now Button
insert Book with Client button.png Insert Book With Client Now Button
insert referral link.png Insert Referral Link
insert Family member.png Insert Family Member/ Pet
insert promo code selector.png Insert Promotion Code Selector
insert promotion discount.png Insert Promotion Discount
insert promotion period.png Insert Promotion Period
insert your business short url.png Insert Your Business Short URL
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