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Move/5000 - ECO mode

Eco Mode helps your Ingenico Move/5000 go further on a single charge. By managing power settings, this mode ensures your terminal is ready to take payments whenever you need it. 


Access ECO mode menu:

On the Move/5000 keypad press 2634 > The screen will display press F for menu; there Is no F key. instead, press the circle key above the red X > select the green icon for Control Panel > Select Terminal Settings > Select ECO Mode. 


Suggested Settings:

  • Turn display off after 10s (suggested for 24H of battery life)
    • Select Backlight > Select Display low level > Enable Display OFF > Press the green circle key to save
    • To wake the display press any key
    • You can adjust the display low-level time by selecting backlight time out and adjusting the second count. Example "20" which would equal 20 seconds. 
  • Standby time-out (This setting is only suggested if you need 48H+ of battery life)  
    • You can enable this by adjusting the time from 99999s to 60s. This will cause the Move/500 to go into Standy after 60 seconds. 
    • Standby differs from screen off in that the wake time is much slower. Standby will also disconnect from WIFI or LTE. It will take the Move/5000 a few seconds to reconnect to WIFI or LTE after going into standby. 
  • Wake up on touch (this setting only applies if you have Standby time-out enabled)  
    • Enable - This will wake the Move/5000 when you touch the screen 
    • Disable - You can only wake the Move/5000 using the green key on the keypad 
  • Motion Detection (This setting applies to both display off mode and standby time-out mode)  
    • Enable - Will wake the Move/5000 if motion is detected (this will reduce battery life) 
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