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Location Address Displayed in Marketing Campaigns

All campaigns sent to clients via email will feature the business's physical address. However, if the business has multiple locations, the address displayed in emails depends on various factors. This article will explore the factors influencing the address that is presented.

Things to know:

  • For steps on how to create email marketing campaigns, learn more here
  • If the client is not associated with any location, they will be excluded from the recipient list, and you won't have the ability to send them any campaigns.
  • If the client is associated with locations A and B within the same franchise and the campaign is sent to all locations, the client will receive a single email.
  • If the client is affiliated with franchises A, B, and C, and a campaign is sent by all of them, the client will receive an email from each respective franchise.


Scenario Expected Result
The client is associated with one location  The campaign received will include that location's address 
If the client is associated with multiple locations, has a preferred location set, and all locations were selected when sending the campaign

The campaign received will display the preferred location's address 

The client is associated with multiple locations, does not have a preferred location set, has a past appointment and all locations were selected for the campaign

The campaign received will display the location where the client had their last appointment.

The client is associated with multiple locations, does not have a preferred location set, does not have a past appointment and all locations were selected for the campaign

The campaign received will display the address of the initial location added to the business that the client is associated with.


  • If the client is associated with locations A (primary location), B, and C, and the campaign was sent to all locations, the campaign will display location A's address 
  • If the client is associated with locations B, C, and D, and the campaign is sent to all locations, the campaign will display the address of location B.
The client is associated with multiple locations, does not have a preferred location, and the campaign was sent from Location B The campaign received will display the address of Location B
The client is associated with multiple locations, preferred location is location A, but the campaign was sent from Location B The campaign received will display the address of Location B


For more information, contact us at support@mytime.com or (385) 233-6964.

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