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Deep Linking Gift Cards on Booking Widget

We provide the option to generate a button or link that directly adds gift cards to your clients' shopping carts for online purchases through your website. In this article, we will walk through the configuration process.

To create a direct link to gift cards on your website using Express Checkout,

  1. Navigate to Business Setup > Website Tools 
  2. Select the Setup button next to "Add Appointment Booking to Your Website
  3. Next, select Express Checkout options, then proceed to set up the widget
  4. On the Customize Booking Page setting:
    • Select a specific location from the Default Location drop-down menu
    • Select “Buy Gift Cards” from the Booking Page Includes drop-down menu
    • Set up your theme to customize how the button and widget will appear
  5. Select Next                                                                                                               
  6. Copy the generated code                   
  7. Paste the code where you would like it to appear on your website
Whenever clients click that button, they will be directed to the Gift Card tab on their widget


For more information, contact us at support@mytime.com or (385) 233-6964.    

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