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Gift Card Balances Report

The Gift Card Balance Report displays the current balance of all gift cards as of the selected date in the report.  

Things to know:

  •  Historical gift card balances are not included in the report but are visible in the gift card audit trail in client profiles.
  • Gift cards will appear in the report whether they were imported without a POS ticket, purchased in POS and the ticket is closed, or purchased in POS and the ticket is reopened
  • Gift cards will NOT appear in the report if they were purchased in POS and the ticket is still open

To access this report:   

  1. Navigate to Dashboard
  2. Select the Reports tab
  3. Under the Clients section, select the Gift Card Balances report


When the report loads, you can filter by the purchase location and balances as of the date selected. In the upper right, you may search by card number or client name. You can also export the report as a CSV, PDF, or print version

Report Filters

Filter Description
Location The location where the gift card was purchased
Purchased Date The date the gift card was purchased in POS or added to the client profile
Balance As Of Displays gift cards balances as of the selected date 

Report Columns



Purchase Location

The location where the gift card was purchased

Card #

The unique ID number of the gift card

Current Balance

The balance remaining on the gift card as of the selected date


Name of the client who purchased the gift card


Name of the recipient of the gift card





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