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Marking A Staff Member As “Preferred" on Scheduler App

In this article, we will walk through the steps on how to mark staff members as preferred for clients on the scheduler app. 

  1. Log into the app. For details on how to, learn here
  2. Once signed in you will be directed to the schedule by default
  3. Select the clients icon at the bottom                             
  4. Search and locate the client you wish to edit                 
  5. On the client's profile, select the 3 dots at the top right-hand corner of the screen
  6. The "Edit" and "Delete" options will be exposed, select Edit
  7. On the Edit Client screen, scroll to the bottom to locate Preferred Staff in the Client Preference section. Tap to open                                                                                                                  
  8. Select preferred staff. In this example, we will select Josh
  9. The staff member's name will be updated on the Edit Client screen
  10. Save changes                                                                   

You have successfully marked your staff member as preferred. 


For more information contact us at support@mytime.com.    

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