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Preferred Location

Setting a preferred location provides staff members with valuable insight into where clients prefer to conduct their bookings and purchases. Furthermore, it enables staff members to deliver customized campaigns targeted to that specific location. In this article, we will outline the steps for establishing preferred locations for your clients.

Things to know:

  • The option to set a preferred location is available when creating a new client or when editing an existing client profile
  • The time displayed in the "Campaigns Sent" section of the client's profile is determined by the time zone of the client's preferred location. If the client does not have a preferred location, the time zone of the logged-in user's computer is utilized.

To set a preferred location on a new client's profile:

  1. Go to the Clients tab
  2. Select the +Add Client button
  3. Locate the Preferred Location field on the 'Add a Client' form. Click the drop-down arrow to expose the locations associated with the business
  4. Choose the location from the dropdown menu that you wish to designate as the preferred location for the client                                                        
  5. Save 

To set a preferred location on an existing client's profile:

  1. Go to the Clients tab
  2. Search for and locate an existing client > Open the profile 
  3. Click the edit icon next to the client's details
  4. Locate the Preferred Location field and click the drop-down arrow to expose the locations associated with the business
  5. From the dropdown, select the location that will be the preferred location for the client
  6. Save 

Once saved, the preferred location will be marked with a star under preferences and listed as an associated location on the client's profile.

When searching for clients with a preferred location, the location will be visible in the search list with the client's name

Automated marketing and campaign messages sent to the client will include their preferred location's address if the business has multiple locations and the campaign was sent from all locations.                                                                                                 



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