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Adding Products to Inventory on Scheduler App

In this article, we will walk through the steps on how to add products to the inventory from the scheduler app. 

  1. Log into the app. For details on how to, learn here
  2. Once signed in you will be directed to the schedule by default
  3. On the navigation menu, tap the 'More' option                         
  4. Tap 'Inventory'                                                                                         
  5. On the inventory page, tap the (+) at the bottom left-hand corner of the screen   
  6. Here you can add your product details:                                                         
    • Image - Tap the image icon to upload the image for the products
    • Product - Enter the name of the product that the SKU corresponds to
    • Brand - Enter the brand for the product
    • Category - Enter the category of the product
    • Sell to Clients - Should this product be sold to customers via POS? Toggle to Yes if this product should be sold to clients, else, remain toggled to No
    • Commission Eligible - Can this product be applied towards retail commissions? Select Yes if an employee is entitled to commission on selling this product. Else, select No
    • Description - Text description of the product, often provided by the manufacturer
    • +SKU - When tapped, it opens to add a new SKU.
      • SKU Name - The name of the specific SKU you sell. It can include size, color, flavor, etc. 
      • SKU # - The unique stock-keeping unit associated with the specific version of the product
      • Barcode - The number appearing directly below the barcode image on the SKU. You can use UPC or EAN format.  
  7. Save

  For more information contact us at support@mytime.com.            


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